Can someone tell me where March went?
I actually had a post percolating in my head all last month but somehow it never found the way to the great egress.
But at least I can say I posted in April.
And just so I can say there was actual content in this post, here's a quick story:
She Who Does Not Obey was telling me about a nightmare she had the other night. We were at a funeral for three women (?) and suddenly everyone started turning into Evil Lobsters!
Even Her Father and me.
I started to smile despite myself, because Evil Lobsters! How cool is that?
She started to smile too. I didn't want her to think I didn't get that her dream was still scary despite the presence of diabolical crustaceans, pointing out that laughing at a scary dream was the best way to deal with it.
"If you have the dream again, you could throw hot water at them," I suggested.
She rolled her eyes at me and said, "Mom, they were already cooked."
Cute story! I assume you're not blogging because you've been busy reading for the bool club?